If I lived in a cabin in the woods a hundred years ago, my name, Meredith Pond, would be familiar to my neighbors. The town would be small, a closeknit community sharing vegetables and eggs.
But now that the Internet exists, someone like me, the only Meredith Pond I actually know, can search Google and find out about all the others named Meredith Pond from Alaska to Maine.
One lives in Salt Lake City. One Lives in Texas. And one is an actual pond in Massachusetts.
So, now what?? What's the big deal? Well, when you search the Web for ME -- your friend Meredith Pond -- I don't seem to exist on Facebook! An existential crisis in cyberspace for me, even though you are reading my "note" right now posted to my Facebook page AND I have four hundred friends.
My personal URL for facebook is www.facebook.com/meredith.pond. I figured that was safety enough. But on Google, if you search for "Meredith Pond Facebook" you are offered a Meredith Pond who is not me! Or not I!
There's no Scoutie O' Scoutie on dog book. There's no photo of Cabo. There's no pithy comment for the day on the world at large.
What to do! If you've have this problem let me know.