I'm sure I was a sea creature in a past life, so when I fed the dolphins at SeaWorld ($7 for 3 little fish, but who's complaining), I was happy to meet some relatives!
Dolphins seem to be well tended there at the park. Time with humans is strictly limited, and interactions are monitored (the humans are the ones misbehaving by grabbing the dolphins' toys).
R's birthday was the official reason for making the trip, but the idea of SeaWorld was perfect for my Neptunian dreamscape with or without a notable event to celebrate.
My sisters and brother and I spent our childhood in the water. My mother and father ran the local swimming program for the various "villages" around Coventry and West Warwick. Places like Clyde, Arctic, Phenix, and Crompton where most kids lived in multi-family houses and didn't get to swim much.
Those kids got to go to Lake Tiogue once a week. We went every day with our dad and his very shiny silver whistle.
Up in New England, the water in the middle of summer hardly ever climbs above 60 degrees, but we didn't know any different. Cold makes you strong. We were 5 minutes from Middle Dam and 20 minutes from Narragansett Bay and Scarborough Beach. My favorite then.
I guess I have a new favorite now . . . SeaWorld!
Irreverent Investigator Tracks Disappearing Dolphins in Laugh and Suspense-Packed Contemporary Mystery
In Million Dollar Dolphins, Agent Jake Rayland has to navigate difficult waters both personally and professionally to solve a tricky case.
When dolphins begin to go missing from several Florida marine aquariums, Jake, a former CIA agent and current U.S. Fish & Wildlife Law Enforcement Special Agent, must solve the mystery.
Dodging bullets and nothing less than a rocket, Jake also has to deal with the absurdities of his life: a by-the-book boss; the board full of oddball and prejudiced nonagenarians who control his trailer park; a daughter in college; an ex-wife and her bottom-feeding lawyer; drug dealers; former colleagues; and a bevy of off-the-wall friends.
Jake’s logical nature and keen sense of humor keep him grounded as he maneuvers through the quagmire of his life. But will it be enough as he attempts to save and protect an innocent family caught in the middle of the dolphin disappearances?
Publisher’s website: www.eloquentbooks.com/MillionDollarDolphins.html
About the Author: Mr. Higgins was born in Maine and attended schools there and in New York. He attended the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point and the University of Maine. Most of his adult life has been spent in sales and marketing. A voracious reader, he has been seriously writing for the last four years. He lives in Florida.
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