My answering machine holds a collection of messages from past holidays. In my family, this is what we call insurance.
You never know when you'll fall out of favor with one person or another. And, there's no chance of knowing the reason why they are mad at you either.
So when I play the answering machine's messages, I can hear my son wishing me happy Mother's Day, my nephew saying, "Merry Christmas," my friend from college (40 years ago) singing, happy birthday to you, etc., etc.
And then there's my dad's voice loud and clear as if I'm about to dive off the dock into shallow water . . . "Meredith!" He never did say hello on the phone. But there's one message in a softer voice that says, "Meri, this is dad calling." He sounds as if I might not recognize his voice.
This is my collection. Years of good wishes are right at my fingertips. If somebody forgets to call? No problem, I'm covered.
In my dream the other night, my father and I were walking along the beach in Narragansett talking about why I wouldn't want to live so close to the water. The house we were looking at a few dream-moments earlier had little waves breaking right at the white picket fence.
"You're right," I said. "But I like the place. It's near you."
A dream like this on a week night is hard to come by. I'm grateful for it.
So here's my chance to leave a message on the cosmic answering machine: happy birthday, dad. Yup, it's June again. And you would be 89 in earth years. I hope the cake in heaven is as tasty as the one you're eating in this photo . . .
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