Monday, March 19, 2012

Gray Whales in San Ignacio Lagoon

In the middle of the Baja Peninsula, there's a remote lagoon accessible either by plane to a rustic "international" airstrip or by car along a rock-strewn, washboard, dirt road that goes on for miles until you arrive with your bones and teeth as loose as a pocket full of pesos.

But thatseasick feeling in your stomach goes away as soon as you see this magical body of water -- San Ignacio Lagoon.

Gray whales come here to give birth and raise their babies. And gringos like me come to climb into a panga a few times over a period of a few days at "whale camp" to visit them, skritch their heads, and wonder where it is they disappear to under the surface of the water.

Consider planning an adventure to one of the most peaceful places in the world. Plan to come to San Ignacio between January and April some year soon. See the gray whales and let them see you.

And Visit Pachico Mayoral’s Website!

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