Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday, oh Friday

All my deadlines converged today in a perfect storm of do this now, which of course is an impossible task. Several poetry chapbook competitions due all at the same moment! Yikes!

Does everything have to turn into a mythic test? Well, yes. It's kind of fun, isn't it?

Especially when you're somebody like me -- a tad obsessive. I impose deadlines on myself for my own good. I think it has to do with having religiosity (don't you love that word?) conflicts as a child.

My grandpa was a Methodist, which according to my memory is a religion that makes sure to celebrate every child's birthday with a little cake the size of a coaster topped with a miniature carosel that actually played a tinkling rendition of the Birthday Song.

I'm not sure what these celebrations had to do with learning about the Method. For me, Sunday school was about parties or dress performances on the stage with the red velvet curtain in the church basement. I debuted "My Little Red Umbrella," to a throng of Methodists when I was 4.

I still remember the riotous applause. Those Methodists sure knew how to clap!

1 comment:

  1. Lady,
    You have pure Libra flowing through you veins!! (However, my forlorn Libra self was evicted from the church choir for dragging the other little angels off key...)

    Keep up the good writing. (Caught you off a link on


Thank you for commenting! I appreciate it. I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Peace, Meredith