Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Wonderful Writer, True Friend

Today, I want to introduce you to a truly incredible writer, Judith K. Witherow.

She's a dear friend of mine, and she and her partner, Sue Lenaerts, maintain her Web site of poetry, prose, commentary, humor photos, and more. Visit Judith's Web site!

You'll be a better person for the visit, believe me. There are articles to read, poems and haikus to experience, and you'll learn first hand about Judith's outspoken, outrageous, heartfelt love of telling it like it is, and living life to the fullest no matter what.

Recently, Judith went out on her son's boat, and he took a wonderful photo of her. Take a look!


  1. meredith,
    only a "wonderful writer," and unselfish friend would write such dear words.
    they're true of course, but you really shouldn't have. (laugh)
    a trusted friend is one who gives your website address to others, and doesn't misspell any part of it!
    your blog is listed on my "contacts and links" page. i did so because you are honestly one of my favorite writers.
    your name is going to be a household word as our friendship and caring continues to thrive.
    xoxoxo judith

  2. Such refined taste you exhibit, Meredith! May you always retain your loyalty as well as your way with words.

    Keep producing (and entertaining me!).


Thank you for commenting! I appreciate it. I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Peace, Meredith