Saturday, June 14, 2008

Friends Forever

A friend sent me this photo the other day. Moments like these make a difference in a child's life . . . especially when it's a positive experience and the creature doesn't try to swim off with your dress. I think this is a beluga whale. I wish I had paid more attention in my freshman biology class at GW way back when. Then I could give you an accurate ID. Is the animal smiling? Maybe it's just my imagination.

I couldn't tell you the phylum or species for many creatures . . . except I do know that the raccoon who came in our dog door the other night to eat some kibble and wash her hands in the dog's water bowl is a marsupial. A creature of the night who carries her babies in a pouch (no, not a purse). That telltale little black mask over her eyes. Oh, and the tiny footprints all over the white linoleum.

I guess I should be grateful. Another story is circulating about a woman who in the half sleep of the early morning thought she was petting her cat. Well, it was a raccoon all cuddled up in her blanket! I'm assuming she had a dog door too.

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